Remember how our mothers, fathers and grandmothers repeated tirelessly as children: "Don't put your hands in your mouth, they're dirty, don't touch this dog, she's homeless, maybe she has bugs. Wash the apples, itOn the ground, and your hands, with some black dirt under your nails, you'll catch more pinworms! Childhood and La Grande are gone, grandparents are in the cemetery, but the parasites haven't gone away. They live inNext to us, there are constant threats to get into our bodies through pets through food, water, even if they are clean, God knows what else.
We take care of ourselves, pay attention to personal hygiene, keep our home and pets clean, cook fish and meat, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, avoid suspicious dining establishments, and sometimes find ourselves among parasitic patients. In front of us, this wall raises the question of how to remove worms from adults quickly and safely, and is it possible to solve it with folk remedies? Let's discuss these and other ways to get rid of worms in today's article.
How to expel worms from the adult body - an overview of the method
Of course, the best way to deal with any problem is to prevent it. But then trouble happened, what to do, where to run, what to catch? There may be two solutions here. It starts with a visit to the doctor, a test, and then, based on the test results, a prescription that includes swallowing certain pills. The advantage of this option is qualified medical assistance, knowledge of the type of worm you are infected with, and valuable experience for the future. The downsides are the endless torture in the doctor's office, unpleasant tests, long-term use of very unsafe and rather expensive deworming drugs.
A second, cheaper and less labor-intensive option is traditional medicine recipes. There are very powerful and effective techniques in it, even for ladies in position. The advantage of this method is that it is relatively inexpensive and hassle-free. Disadvantage - If the treatment is not chosen properly, you still have to go to the doctor, get checked and drink medicine, in addition, herbal treatment requires patience and a long course of treatment. It is your personal right if you choose to be treated by a doctor. We'll discuss how to use folk remedies to remove tape and other worms from an adult's body.
How do people get rid of insects?
Therefore, sensible traditional medicine knows many effective and effective deworming regimens. Here are some of them:
- Garlic with milk. Boil a large head of garlic in a glass of milk. Then remove the garlic, strain the milk and cool to a pleasant temperature. After the evening hygiene procedure, before going to bed, use an enema to inject garlic milk into the anus and leave it on overnight. In the morning, before eating, drink a laxative, or mirabilite solution, or sea buckthorn decoction. Continue treatment until you are completely free of the worms.
- Collection of bitter herbs. Take 2 tablespoons. l. Tansy and 1 tsp. Wormwood, add 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile and Centaur. Pour the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and let it sit for an hour. Then strain and drink 15 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. l. Until the worms are completely eliminated.
- ancient recipe. The action is fairly quick and already on day 2 or 3 you will feel noticeable results. On the first day of treatment, patients should eat liquids and purees. Before bed, you should drink 25-30 grams of Glauber's salt or Epsom salts as a laxative. The next morning, perform a cleansing enema as soon as you wake up. Then drink pumpkin seed medicine on an empty stomach for 30-40 minutes. Then, 2 hours later, take 40-50 g of mirabilite or a laxative in the form of Epsom salts. You should eat after 2 hours. Repeat the treatment until the worms are completely eliminated.
- Pumpkin Seeds Recipe. Peel about half a kilo of pumpkin seeds, leaving a thin green film. Divide them into small portions into a mortar and grind carefully with a pestle. Then, in 10-15 drops, pour 50-60 ml of water into the crushed seeds, stirring constantly. To give the lump a pleasant taste, add a little honey, jam, or sugar and feed it to the patient for an hour. After 3 hours, you should drink a laxative, and after another 30 minutes, do a cleansing enema.

There are many more excellent options on how to get rid of worms from an adult or pregnant woman through folk remedies. But it's better not to get sick, isn't it?